Our learning community of St Leonards Learners is represented by St Leonards Pier and the marine animals that live there. The seahorse, our school symbol, is the ‘wise one’ who represents our school values. The other animals represent 5 Learner Strengths that are vital in becoming life long learners.
At SLPS our positive school culture is built on a belief that we are a community of learners and agents in our own learning.
This is underpinned by the teaching of the Learner Strengths of Collaboration, Self-Management, Communication, Thinking and Research. Using this inquiry approach means that we are constantly improving our capacity to learn. The specific teaching of these strengths moves us towards developing 21st century learning capabilities.
Overlaying our teaching of curriculum is the teaching of School Wide Positive Behaviour and Respectful Relationships. Like academic skills, these social skills must be taught explicitly, regularly practised and acknowledged frequently to ensure mastery.
The teaching of School Wide Positive Behaviours ensures a consistent approach to the teaching of our values of Respect, Responsibility and Safety with clearly defined behaviours and routines as outlined in our matrix. A Restorative Practice approach is used to deal with inappropriate behaviour and then empower students to take responsibility for their behaviour and to repair any harm.
The teaching of Respectful Relationships also promotes and models respect, positive attitudes and behaviours. It teaches our children how to build healthy relationships, resilience and confidence. This learning ties in with the Health and Physical Education, Critical and Creative Thinking and Personal and Social Capability areas of the curriculum.
Opportunities that engage students in their learning at SLPS include: